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MTSU Health Promotion Office



Health Promotion has partnered with the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities (CHASCo) to provide Alcohol e-Check Up to Go.  This brief assessment asks questions regarding alcohol usage and consumption patterns, then provides individualized feedback based on your responses.



*Data presented are from the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment, conducted Spring 2019, which included 815 MTSU students.  A full report of all participating post-secondary institutions is available at

  • 47.8% of MTSU students used alcohol in the 30 days prior to completing the survey
  • 28.3% of MTSU students reporting never having used alcohol
  • 22.3% of MTSU students reported driving after drinking alcohol
  • 16.9% of MTSU students reported binge drinking (4 or more drinks for females, 5 or more drinks for males) in the two weeks prior to completing the survey

Contact Us

Have a question or concern? Contact the MTSU Health Promotion Office.

REC 1106